6. Accommodation in General
The following official hotels of the Olympiad will be used for the accommodation of the participants. Hotels will be given by respecting to last Olympiad ranking. Most of the hotels are 5 stars and ranked respecting to distance to venue.
5* Stars Hotels
- 1) WOW Hotels, (500 m)
- 2) Radisson Blu Airport, (4 km)
- 3) Holiday Inn Airport Hotel,(6 km)
- 4) Green Park Merter Hotel,(5 km)
- Titanic Airport Hotel, (Only Arbiters)
- Polat Renaissance Hotel.(Only FIDE VIP Guests)
4* Stars Hotels
- 1) Courtyard Marriott Hotel, (5 km)
- 2) Ataköy Marina Hotel, (5 km)
- 3) Adela Hotel, (3 km)
The players/reserves/captains/trainers of each (men & woman) team (maximum quota 6 person) will be allocated free of charge in double room full board for the duration of Chess Olympiad (27 August- 10 September). Additional from Each Federation 1 Head Delegate and 1 FIDE Delegate ) will be allocated free of charge in single room for the duration of Chess Olympiad (27 August- 10 September).
Free of Charge Room Plans for Each Federation
Double Room
Single Room
6 men team (5 Players & Trainer)
3 Free
6 women team (5 Players & Trainer)
3 Free
1 Head Delegation
1 Free
1 FIDE Delegate
1 Free
- All teams for each section will be given 3 double rooms.
- Additionally chief of delegation will be given a single room.
- FIDE delegate will be given a single room.
- If a federation wants to change their double rooms to single rooms they should pay 100,00 Euro each day for each person for upgrade.
- Each person who is registered for Olympiad in any duty will pay 100,00 Euro organization fee (including accommodating people) consists of accreditation, transportation, organization (before 1st July 2012). Except officials and principals described in Olympiad regulations.
- Organizers will provide accommodation for all teams according to attached classification. The federations who want to upgrade rooms from double to single should take under consideration that organizers may change the hotels due to such requests.
- Federations who skip notification deadline for participation to Olympiad will not be given free accommodation. (before 1st June 2012)
- If your Federation require a distribution plan differing from the plan above there will be additional costs which will directly be charged to the respective Federation.
- After completing all process of registration, accommodation office will inform all federations about their payment informations.
Additional costs for an upgrade from a double room to a single room will be:
- 100,00 € per person per night.
The additional costs for longer stay (before 27 August/after 10 September) are:
- 5* Stars Hotel Single Room : 250,00 € per person per night
Double Room : 150,00 € per person per night
- 4* Stars Hotel Single Room : 240,00 € per person per night
(Limited capacity) Double Room : 140,00 € per person per night
The cost of the other people registered by Federations will be charged to the respective Federation. The costs for Full Board accommodation for a full time stay from 27 August to 10 September 2012 are:
- 5* Stars Hotel Single Room : 250,00 € per person per night
Double Room : 150,00 € per person per night
- 4* Stars Hotel Single Room : 240,00 € per person per night
(Limited capacity) Double Room : 140,00 € per person per night
7. Payment
BANK TRANSFERS; When registering for any participant, the above mentioned amount of 100 € (Euros) must be transferred to the following account:
Bank Name: Turkiye Is Bankasi
Branch Name: Ankara
Addres: Ulus – Ankara
Account Holder: Turkiye Satranc Federasyonu
IBAN Euro: TR500006400000242003881023
All bank commissions should be paid by sender, although even if it is paid by the sender, there is usually a transfer cost on Turkish side (18 € (Euros) for each transfer), this will be charged to sender.
CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS . All payments may also be made through the online secure web site of the TCF by credit card. With this form of payment, the sender does not need to pay any transfer fee. We propose that individuals visit our web site for more details.
As soon as the payment transfer is confirmed, the organizing committee will send the respective chess Federation the confirmation of the hotel reservations. Also all confirmed registrations will be declared on the official web site, where Federations may check their participants’ situation on a daily basis.