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2nd Invitation

yazici-sq-19977Dear Chess Friends,

Our first invitation to the FIDE Congress and the Chess Olympiad in Istanbul, to be held from
the 27th of August to the 10th of September, was sent to all federations on May 2nd.

We have just published all necessary information about the venue and regulations on our
temporary (until we get our domain name) web site: http://istanbul2012.tsf.org.tr/en/

I want to remind you that all FIDE member federations, the IBCA (Internaational Braille
Chess Association), the ICSC (International Committee of Silent Chess) and the IPCA
(International Physically Disabled Chess Association) have the right to participate in the

We kindly ask all federations to write to the e-mail address هذا البريد الإلكتروني محمي من المتطفلين و برامج التطفل، تحتاج إلى تفعيل جافا سكريبت لتتمكن من مشاهدته , requesting a
username and password, which you will need in order to register your participation for this year's Chess Olympiad. Please keep in mind that the deadline for registration is June 10th
2012. After that date you may lose your right to participate.

Those countries who have already made that request, please check the notification list on our
web site. If your federation does not appear on that list within a few days, please contact us
immediately. We will then update the website as necessary.

Best regards.

Ali Nihat Yazıcı

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